Gluten intolerance tablet launched

Added on 15 Jan, 2007 . There are .

A new, natural product based on enzyme formulations has been launched in the UK for people suffering with gluten intolerance.

With around 1:200 people suffering from gluten sensitivity in the UK this new product, Immunecare Glutenase Plus from the GutDoctor, has been designed to help assist people suffering with this health issue which causes discomfort, IBS, diarrhoea and bloating.

One tablet of Immunecare Glutenase Plus taken before a meal containing gluten is alleged to help to break down the gluten into more easily digested gliadin, glutenin and amino acids, thereby encouraging the body to take up the gluten before it irritates the small bowel.

Immunecare Glutenase Plus is marketed as suitable for anyone who suffers from gluten intolerance, however in more severe cases such as coeliac disease Immunecare Glutenase Plus will not address this serious condition and should not be taken.