Scarlett Johansson's allergy ridden love scenes

Added on 03 Dec, 2005 . There are .

Passion in a cornfield was not what the doctor ordered for Scarlett Johansson while filming her latest movie.

Johannson, who suffers from a wheat allergy, recently had an unpleasant time filming love scenes for her latest movie Match Point. The romantic scenes which were filmed in an English cornfield proved to be more demanding than she had anticipated because of her wheat allergy.

The actress said, "It was raining so we were wet, and we had to reshoot it several times. On top of that, I have a wheat allergy, which meant it was not great rolling around in a cornfield!"

[Editors comment: Surely they plant corn in a cornfield, not wheat...]

5/01/2006 - Update to story
Today in a news article, Scarlett Johansson is now reported as saying she was rolling around in a wheat field.

[Editors comment: Oh that makes more sense. So either the earlier report about the corn field was a slip of the tongue, or someone has pointed out that if you have a genuine wheat allergy then being in a corn field doesn't really matter.]